+49 (0) 8336 / 8054 - 400 info@multiviasped.eu


We support the reduction in pollution



In Europe, the importance of the transport sector as a cause of numerous emissions is increasing enormously. We support the containment of this development and have therefore defined environmental goals that lead to a reduction in pollution. Together with our customers, employees and partners, this effort is constantly communicated internally and externally as an important basis for our actions and practically implemented as far as possible.

Concrete measures for our active environmental protection are:

Use of modern low-emission Euro 6 vehicles

GPS-assisted route planning

Animation and implementation of driver training for consumption-optimized driving

Use of intermodal traffic, Transfer of traffic to rail and ship

Power source: Photovoltaic system

Use of green electricity from renewable energies


Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage!


+49 (0) 8336 8054 - 400

Energiepark 5, 87784 Westerheim

M-F: 08:00 - 17:00, S-S: Geschlossen